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Save Money When You Add Your Teen to Your Auto Insurance Policy

dad teaching son to driveThe moment you’ve simultaneously anticipated and dreaded has arrived: your teen is now licensed to drive. That means less driving them to practice or rehearsal and more worrying about their safety on the road. However, it’s not just safety that you need to consider. With a new driver in your home, you need to ensure that your insurance policies remain cost-effective. There are three ways to save money when you add your teen to your auto insurance in Newark, DE.

Clean Driving Records

When you’re adding your teen to your policy, it’s also the perfect time to ensure that everyone’s driving records are up to date. If everyone on your policy, including your teen, has been accident-free and claim-free, you’ll likely see your rates drop. Insurance companies often reward their customers for safe driving habits.

Safety Features

As a parent, you’re likely to worry about your kids on the road. For this reason, it’s a great idea to install some new safety features, such as backup cameras, Bluetooth technology, or crash-avoidance systems. In addition to making your vehicle safer for your teen, these features can also reduce your premiums.

Multi-Car Households

Whether you’re rewarding your teen with a new car or passing down your old one, it’s beneficial to reassess your auto policies when your teen first starts driving. Placing multiple cars on one policy is an effective strategy for saving money on auto insurance.

Contact Broadbent Insurance, Inc. today for more information about auto insurance in Newark, DE.

You Need Boat Insurance

pontoon beltThere’s nothing better than enjoying an afternoon boating on the water. But when the unexpected happens, it can turn your relaxing day into a financial fiasco. Boat insurance isn’t just about protecting your nautical investment; it’s also about protecting your bank account from taking a serious and unforeseen hit. Our agents can tell you more about the importance of boat insurance in Newark, DE.

Injury Treatment

In the unfortunate event that someone is injured by your boat, it’s likely that you’ll be held responsible. In addition to the emotional toll this will cause, paying for injury treatment will also lead to financial strain. An effective boat insurance policy carries liability protection for situations just like these.

Wreckage Removal

The last thing you want is for your boat to sink. But if it happens, you’re responsible for removing the wreckage from the body of water—not an easy or cost-effective task. With a boat insurance policy, you’ll have the funds needed to handle wreckage removal.

Pollution Cleanup

If your boat leaks fuel or oil for any reason, you can be charged an exorbitant amount for the cleanup process. Without an insurance policy, you’d have to pay for this out of pocket—and that would seriously eat into your boating budget for years to come. Your best bet is to  have a good boat insurance policy so you can relax and enjoy your time on the water.

Contact Broadbent Insurance, Inc. today for more information about boat insurance in Newark, DE.

Why It Is Important to Have Life Insurance

life insurance newark deNo one wants to think about the end of their life. However, as we age, it becomes more and more important to have a solid financial plan for when you’re gone. Having life insurance provides you with peace of mind, but, more importantly, it ensures that your loved ones are cared for when you’re no longer around to do so. Take a minute to read about some of the most important reasons to purchase life insurance in Newark, DE.

Protecting Your Loved Ones

When your family members rely on your income, it can be a significant burden on them when that income is no longer available. With a life insurance policy, you can ensure that the people you care about have sufficient financial resources to organize a funeral, cover household expenses, and pay off your debts.

Leaving a Legacy

A life insurance policy is a good way to set your beneficiaries up for a more comfortable future. Even if you don’t have any treasured belongings to pass on, you can make a real difference in the life of a loved one by leaving them an inheritance.

Achieving Peace of Mind

Last but not least: purchasing life insurance is one of the best ways to ease your mind on a daily basis. You’re sure to enjoy the confidence you’ll feel knowing that the people you care about will be protected after you’re gone.

Contact Broadbent Insurance, Inc. today for more information about life insurance in Newark, DE.


How to Read a Life Insurance Quote

Insurance is a field with convoluted terms and legalese, which can be difficult to understand. That is why it makes sense to go through your paperwork and take a close look at all the terms, conditions, and fine print. Broadbent Insurance, Inc. knows about these documents, and we’ll discuss how to read your quote for life insurance in Newark, DE.

Not all quotes are the same. They are estimates based on the amount you’ll pay for coverage. That is known as your premium, and it’s based on your rate class.

Rate classes are groups of policyholders that carry a similar amount of risk. These classes vary from company to company. Some may have strict rules around certain behaviors, while others will use different definitions of healthy. Each life insurance provider relies on different actuarial numbers for customer assessment. For rate classes, usually, the lower your health risk, the lower your rate, and resulting premiums will be.

We suggest you should get multiple quotes from different providers. To get an idea of their rate classes, feel free to ask them as these figures will directly impact the numbers on the quote. If you have more questions about life insurance, reach out to us at Broadbent Insurance, Inc.

car insurance

How a Lapse in Coverage Affects Your Car Insurance Rates

You need to have auto insurance to make sure that you and your investment in the vehicle are protected. If your coverage lapses, does it affect your rates? That’s the question Broadbent Insurance, Inc. is going to answer here.

The bottom line is that it pays to keep your car insurance in Newark, DE, current. If your policy lapses for whatever reason, or any length of time, you will likely end up paying a bit more when you renew coverage. However, it doesn’t mean you will have elevated rates permanently because they should decrease over time with regular payments and a safe driving record.

The reason you let your car insurance lapse does not matter to the insurer. It makes no difference if you sold your car and didn’t need coverage or you were out of the country for an extended period and weren’t driving. It’s all the same to the insurance company.

The way to avoid raised rates from a lapsed policy is by canceling yours to switch providers. You may have to face a cancelation fee, but it will likely be lower than the amount you will pay due to a lapse.

The most effective way to avoid increased rates is by letting your company know you will not be renewing when the policy expires. It will avoid a cancelation fee and avoid lapse payments. Reach out to Broadbent Insurance, Inc., to learn more.

building on fire

Why to Invest in Fire Insurance for Your Business

Your business is a major investment and passion in your life. It’s the source of your livelihood and a source of pride. These are reasons why it makes a great deal of sense to protect it and yourself in any way you can. Broadbent Insurance, Inc. sells many policies for business insurance in Newark, DE, and we’ll discuss why you should have them.

Let’s look at business insurance from the perspective of suffering a fire at your premises. Fire damage is among the most common small business claim and often among the most expensive to repair. A business fire insurance policy combines with your general liability coverage and commercial property insurance into one policy for comprehensive coverage. Such a business policy will cover the loss of your property and any customers’ property that happened to be on hand during the fire.

In addition to that coverage, it’s also a good idea to have business interruption insurance. You can add this as a rider to your policy. It provides coverage if the fire forces your business to close temporarily. It helps with expenses such as rent payments, salaries, debt payments, and loss of income.

You can always contact us at Broadbent Insurance, Inc., to learn more about insurance coverage for your business.

car insurance

What You Should Know About GAP Car Insurance

Many of us have a car, truck, or SUV, which means we have an insurance policy as well. That coverage is not as clear-cut as some drivers might expect, and our team at Broadbent insurance, Inc. will clear up any gray areas.

When you have car insurance in Newark, DE, the policy covers the actual cash value or depreciated value of the vehicle at the time of the claim. If your car was worth $10,000 and destroyed in an accident, your insurance policy would pay you that amount.

But let’s suppose you still owed $15,000 on the vehicle from your loan. You would still be expected to pay that $5,000 in the difference to the lender. That is where GAP (Guaranteed Asset Protection) insurance proves its value.

GAP car insurance helps you make up the gap between the value of your vehicle and what you owe. It covers damages that are insured by your provider, such as theft, fire, or accident. GAP coverage works with comprehensive and collision insurance, so you need to have this protection first before being eligible for GAP insurance.

Whenever you have a question about auto insurance, we are happy to provide the information you need at Broadbent Insurance, Inc.


couple reviewing life insurance policies

How to Select the Right Life Insurance Policy

It’s a good idea to protect your most important things, from your home to your vehicle to your family. You can achieve that goal by purchasing life insurance in Newark, DE.

Broadbent Insurance, Inc. knows all about insurance policies, and we’re going to tell you how to select the best coverage for your situation. But first, here’s a definition, so we’re all on the same page. A life insurance policy forms a contract between you and the company to which you pay premiums, and the company commits to paying money to a chosen person upon your death.

You need to consider a variety of factors when you are selecting insurance. There are many options to choose from, and it’s wise to find a policy that fits your budget and will benefit your survivors in a significant way.

Think about whether you should choose term, whole, or universal insurance. These types cover you for varying lengths of time and have payment options to match. Look at a convertible or combination policy. Combination allows for a payout in situations other than death, while convertible can start as a term policy and be converted to a whole life insurance policy.

You also want to balance the amount that your survivors will need compared to the amount you will pay in premiums. An affordable policy that delivers a reasonably substantial payout is the best goal. If you want to learn more about deciding among the many choices, feel free to direct your questions to the team at Broadbent Insurance, Inc.

businesswoman working on a laptop

How a Surety Bond Works with Your Business Insurance

As a business owner, you want to give your company every competitive advantage in the marketplace. This includes comprehensive insurance coverage to ensure your operation is protected and you have the confidence to move ahead with projects and growth.

At Broadbent Insurance, Inc., our expertise helps clients find the best possible policies and options. We’re happy to use this post as a vehicle for discussing business insurance in Newark, DE. We’ll look at surety bonds in particular and how they are beneficial for your company.

A surety bond is a form of business insurance coverage that involves three parties. The first is the principal, who must make good on an obligation. The second is the obligee, who needs a guarantee that the principal will meet their commitment. The surety is the issuer of the bond that guarantees the principal will fulfill its role. The surety provider is usually an insurance company.

Surety bonds benefit businesses, especially small enterprises, by offering assurances to existing and potential customers that the business will provide the service for which it’s contracted. This helps smaller companies level the playing field by placing them in a more competitive stance compared with larger companies with more significant resources.

If you require further details about how a surety bond can benefit your business, the team at Broadbent Insurance, Inc. is happy to provide additional information.

picturesque house

Don’t Agree with the Insured Value of Your Home? Here’s How to Change It.

There are several things you can do if you disagree with the estimated reconstruction cost of your home or the “listed dwelling’s value,” whether you feel it’s too high or too low. It’s part of responsible homeownership to ensure that the insurance value—and the premium associated with your home insurance in Newark, DE is accurate, so that you are not over-or under-insuring your property.

Adjusting the Home Value of Your Home Insurance Policy

Review the values listed on your home insurance policy annually to make sure that you have the right amount of insurance. When people think their home and possessions’ insured values are low, they can easily get their policy adjusted or add endorsement coverages.

Disagreeing With the Insured Value

People sometimes feel that when an insurance company sends them something, it is written in stone. However, the home insurance estimate for the reconstruction of your home can be incorrect.

The purpose of your home insurance is to protect your assets, so if you feel something is wrong, you have every right to call your representative and ask questions or request a review. Often, if someone has a solid case, the home insurance broker or agent will submit that request to the insurance underwriter, and the case can be reviewed.