If You Didn’t Get the Other Driver’s Car Insurance Information; Get Advice from Our Newark, DE, Agency
In the aftermath of a car crash, there are going to be a million things swirling around inside your head. It’s very easy to get distracted and overlook things, even a vital step such as getting all the information you need. And, in some cases, you can’t get the details you require because the collision may be a hit and run.
If you’ve forgotten in the heat of the moment to get information about the other driver’s car insurance in Newark, DE, or it wasn’t possible, the team at Broadbent Insurance, Inc. has some advice on what to do.
If the accident has just happened, it’s essential to make sure you and your passengers are safe from further incidents or trauma. That trumps gathering information in any case. Once you have taken that step, then you can canvass the area for witnesses and collect details from them.
Ensure you call the police and have your car insurance information ready when they arrive. While waiting, take pictures of the damage and the scene, too. Be very careful during this step and don’t take photos if the car is still in or near traffic. Remain in your vehicle and wait until you’re in a more secure location.
If you have remembered to get the information you need, but the other driver refuses to give it, keep your cool, and wait for the police to arrive.
For more information on car insurance, the team at Broadbent Insurance, Inc. is ready to provide more details.